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Does it Look Different?

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

A stack of books each titled "CHANGE" sitting on a white surface with a sky blue background.

With the time change, we decided it was time for a change! We've done a bit of rearranging in the juvenile fiction section of our library. The old, narrow rows of books never seemed very appealing. Space was so tight, a reader couldn't stand back and view all the titles. They also weren't accessible for anyone in a wheelchair. There really wasn't a space that elementary and middle school readers could call their own in the library.

So . . . we've done some rearranging! Stop by and look around. Does it look different? We've gone from rows of bookshelves that look like this:

The old arrangement of bookshelves in narrow rows.

to a children's fiction section that looks like this:

We still have some tweaking to do of how the books are distributed on the shelves. We also plan to add some touches to make the area more cozy, but I think it's already a big improvement. The area is much more open and inviting. The neat thing is, the total layout takes about the same amount of total floor space as the old one! It's much easier to view the books. (And as a bonus, it will also be easier for staff to shelve them!)

This is part of a larger project we are starting, partially funded by a grant from the Meyersdale Wind Farm Fund and the Somerset County Community Fund of the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies ( ) to make our library more welcoming and accessible for all people. Watch for future changes to improve our library!

I encourage folks to bring their children and grandchildren to check out the books.

The Library Lady


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