Here at the Meyersdale Public Library, we are committed to making our community, our nation, and our world a better place. One way we do that is by working with other groups and organizations who are working for the common good.
September is Suicide Awareness Month, and this week -- September 4-10 -- is National Suicide Prevention Week. In 2021, we partnered with the Somerset County Suicide Prevention Task Force to host a Suicide Prevention Collection of materials, which they funded and we have shelved together as resources that may be checked out as library loans, along with informational flyers and brochures that may be taken and kept. These materials are geared toward a wide variety of people -- those contemplating suicide, those who have lost loved ones, and even professionals such as teachers who may interact with people who are suicidal. The list of books may be found here:
We're excited to announce that Bryony Tilzey, the new Somerset County Recycling Coordinator, is planning several programs to help us learn more about recycling and caring for the environment. On Thursday evening, September 29 at 7 p.m., we’ll host a general community discussion about recycling, and the county’s new efforts to provide recycling services for residents. We're planning to hold a For Teens Only event with activities to learn about recycling – and PIZZA, too! However, we need to reschedule it from the October date originally selected. Bryony plans to make a visit to one of our Preschool Story Hour sessions in October or November.
Bryony has been hard at work, and two recycling collection events are already planned for county residents. We are happy to help spread the word:
General household recycling: Saturday, September 21, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Friedens Lutheran Church (accepting flattened cardboard, newspaper, office paper, mixed paper, aluminum cans, plastics #1 and #2. Item types should be separated.
Tire Collection Day: Saturday, October 1, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Conemaugh Township Municipal Building on Tire Hill Road. Car tires, $4 per tire; Tractor-trailer tires, $13 per tire; 19.5 tires, $11 per tire. Cash or check will be accepted. Unfortunately, agricultural tires cannot be accepted at this event. If you have questions, call the county recycling office at: 814-445-1571.
Our library works with other libraries in the Somerset County Federated Library System to bring special programs like our summer STEAM camps to local residents. We work with the Meyersdale Area Historical Society to preserve local history. We cooperate with community entities such as the Meyersdale Area Merchants Association, the Meyersdale Area and Salisbury-Elk Lick Schools, and the local Parks and Recreation Department to try to keep residents informed about area events. We are also cooperating with Meyersdale Borough in their efforts to combat rising crime rates. And we greatly appreciate support we receive from organizations like the Elks, the Lions Club, the Moose lodge, and local businesses.
Life can be much more pleasant when people find common ground and work together. We welcome suggestions as to how we can work with others to improve our community life.
The Library Lady